Sensitive Data (SD) services - Table of content of user guide
Store and analyse research data
- Start here: Creating a CSC project
- Store and share with SD Connect
- Login to SD Connect
- Upload
- Share
- Download
- Delete
- Command line interfaca
- Login to SD Desktop
- Create virtual desktop
- Manage virtual desktop
- Access virtual desktop
- Working with your virtual desktop
- Customisation - software & tools
- Import data
- Export data via user interface
- Export data programmatically
- Troubleshooting
Publish and reuse research data
- Publish with Fedarated EGA
- Publish data
- Reuse with SD Apply
- Apply access to FEGA data
- Approve access to FEGA data
- Enable reuse of FEGA data
Secondary use of health and social data
- Start here: Accessing secondary use health or social data via Sensitive Data services
- Access with Findata permit
- Access with register permit
- Analyze with SD Desktop for secondary use
- Login to SD Desktop
- Create virtual desktop
- Manage virtual desktop
- Access virtual desktop
- Work with your desktop and software
- Customisation - software & tools
- Import data
- Export data
- Troubleshooting