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Mahti has expanded its capabilities with a new small partition with core-based allocation and fast local NVMe storage! Click here for details.

Adding service access for a project

Access can be granted to the following services: supercomputers Puhti and Mahti; cloud services cPouta and Rahti; storage services Allas and IDA; sensitive data services SD Services; and database service Kaivos.

Service access has a two-step approval: (1) The project manager approves the service for the project and (2) members approve it for themselves.


The rights to access the language resources of Kielipankki (the Language Bank of Finland) are obtained from Kielipankki directly.

Project manager

  1. Login to MyCSC.
  2. Choose Projects in the navigation menu on the left.
  3. Click the project you want to use with the service.
  4. Under Services, choose the service.
  5. Read and accept the terms of service. Click Apply for Access.
  6. A message will be sent to the email address associated with your CSC user account when the service access has been granted.


When a project manager is granted service access, other members receive a message that their service access awaits their approval.

  1. Login to MyCSC.
  2. Choose Projects in the navigation menu on the left.
  3. Click the project that has been added with the new service.
  4. Under Services, choose the service. It has a bell symbol next to it.
  5. Read and accept the terms of service. Click Accept.
  6. A message will be sent to the e-mail address associated with your CSC user account when the service access has been granted.


Project manager is the only person who can add or remove services of a project. If you want to stop using the service, contact us at