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How to reset your password

You will receive notifications from CSC when the password of your user account is about to expire. If you need to reset the password follow the instructions below. There are two ways to request a link.

  1. Login to MyCSC.
  2. Go to Profile and click Reset password.
  3. Click Request a reset link. Instructions are sent to the email address associated with your CSC user account.
  1. Go to MyCSC. Click Log in.
  2. Choose CSC Login.
  3. Click Forgot password?
  4. Enter your CSC username and click Request a reset link. Instructions are sent to the email address associated with your CSC user account.

Password requirements

  • Must contain at least 12 characters
  • Must contain at least one lowercase letter (a–z)
  • Must contain at least one uppercase letter (A–Z)
  • Must contain at least one number (0–9)
  • May contain special characters ( !#$%&()*+,-./:;=>?@[\]^_{|}~)
  • Learn what makes a strong password and don't use weak passwords
  • Reusing the old password will not stop your account from expiring
  • Never use the same password on multiple sites