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Mahti has expanded its capabilities with a new small partition with core-based allocation and fast local NVMe storage! Click here for details.

Specific instructions for the FiQCI partition on LUMI

The FiQCI partition of LUMI provides access to the Helmi quantum computer. Access is granted for users belonging to projects that have been granted QPU resources. In addition to running jobs on Helmi via LUMI, users can also use the general LUMI system and software stack including using simulators.

View status of Helmi

You can check the status of the connection here:

LUMI Helmi projects vs. regular LUMI projects

Helmi projects are slightly different from standard LUMI projects. The main difference is, that you will need to apply for quantum resources in addition to CPU, GPU, and storage.

Pilot Phase

During the pilot phase, approved projects will get 24 hours of access to the FiQCI Partition. See the Call text for details.

The FiQCI partition q_fiqci

Access to Helmi is only available through the FiQCI partition on LUMI, which provides a direct connection between a LUMI-C node and Helmi.

There is one queue in the Helmi partition corresponding to FiQCI projects: q_fiqci. Currently, the maximum run time of a quantum job is 2 hours.

Name Max walltime Max jobs
q_fiqci 2 hours 64

Storage areas

The Helmi partition uses the same storage policies as LUMI. You can find further details on LUMI Storage here.

Usage and Billing

Quantum computing projects work similarly to the regular LUMI system. The main differences are:

  1. FiQCI projects use the --partition=q_fiqci partition instead of the regular LUMI-C --partition=standard and --partition=small.
  2. The maximum job walltime is 2 hours.
  3. Usage is billed as QPU seconds QPUs in q_fiqci.
  4. The LUMI-Helmi computing environment has to be loaded separately. See Running on Helmi for details.

Presently, running through the q_fiqci queue will consume QPU seconds for the amount of wall-time spent running in the q_fiqci queue.

Querying your used QPUs

You can check your used QPUs using the lumi-allocations tool.

Helmi-specific support can be reached via the CSC Service Desk. Note that presently, user support is limited to technical issues.