Guide for teachers and collaborators
Instructions on using the Noppe environment as a teacher or for collaboration.
How to host a course or use Noppe for collaboration?
Noppe is built for hosting online courses. We support currently Jupyter and RStudio based content, with more options to come in the future. The intended workflow is that you create one workspace per course, and arrange your exercises in one or more applications in that workspace. Instead of a course you can also use Noppe for collaboration. The workflow is similar to creating a course environment and is described below.
1. Become a workspace owner and create a workspace
- Login to Noppe using your CSC account by choosing 'CSC Login' option after clicking 'Login'. If you don't have a CSC account yet, see the instructions on how to create new user account.
- Open
Manage workspaces
from the left panel and create a new workspace.- Workspace type:
- Fixed-time course with limited lifetime: Valid for limited months.
- Long-running course with time-limited membership: Can be extended 13 months at a time. Intended for workspaces that offer continuous learning environment.
- If you don't see
Manage workspaces
option, please- Check that you logged in using your CSC account. Your user account on the bottom of the left navigation should look like 'csc/youraccountname'
- Reload your browser
- If the issue persists, contact Noppe support at
2. Find or create custom images
- The easiest is to use an existing Docker image, look these repositories for suitable images:
- Docker image sources in noppe-public-images repository.
- Rocker images for different RStudio set-ups.
- If you would need a few R/Python packages extra compared to existing images, it likely is easiest to add them run-time by the user.
- To create your own custom image, see Creating custom Docker images below.
3. Create an application in the workspace
Open Manage workspaces
in the left navigation and select the workspace you want to work on. Create a new application
through Application wizard
or Application form
Application template Template provides the base features for your application. Most of the templates are based on container images maintained by Noppe team. Take a look at the image sources in noppe-public-images repository. If you intend to use your own custom image, you can choose any template that matches your application type (Jupyter/RStudio).
Application name Give a valid meaningful name. This is the name under which participants will see the application.
Application description Fill a detailed description to helps users to understand more about the application.
Container image * If using existing image, then pre-filled based on chosen Application template. * If using own custom image, then URL of the Docker image.
Session lifetime The maximum lifetime for a single session. Sessions are deleted when they expire, thus making room for other users.
Session memory RAM memory reserved for each session. Workspaces have a limit for total memory for concurrent sessions. Choosing a higher value here will affect the maximum number of concurrent sessions.
Labels Select the default labels or create custom labels. Labels are useful in searching applications. The icon for the application is also selected based on assigned labels.
Download Method The location to download the course contents from. Choose git clone
if you wish to clone a git
repository. Choose Download from url
if you have contents hosted in Allas or other HTTP accessible location and provide the url. Content is downloaded to $HOME folder of any instance by default.
The external location needs to be publicly accessible. For example git repositories should be public.
As an alternative, the course material can be provided through shared
folder. The workspace owner can prepare the
shared folder in advance. The folder is visible for everyone, but is read-only for course participants.
See data persistence document for more information.
Work folder per user Whether persistent user-based my-work
folder is available for users in this application.
This is enabled by default.
Publication Choose save as draft
if you still need to test/change things in your application. Only after publication, which can be done here by choosing publish immediately
or from the application menu (Manage workspaces > your workspace > your Application > 3 bars on right end of application > publish
) later. Publication means that people with the join code can find the application. Your application will never appear for everyone. Only Noppe team can add self-learning and public-for-all applications.
4. Invite users
Once the content is ready, you can invite course participants / collaborators by sharing a workspace specific join code. The code can be found in
Manage workspaces
view, in workspace list or on the Info tab of each workspace.
5. Promote users
Once the co-instructors/co-organizers/collaborators have signed in, you can find their name in the members
tab (under manage workspaces
), to give them rights to change things and see other participants sessions, promote to co-owner
from the Menu column next to the members name.
Co-owners can do everything the owner can, except demoting the owner or deleting the workspace. For collaboration purposes, all collaborators should have co-owner rights, to be able to write to the shared folder in the workspace.
Creating custom Docker images
If you cannot find a suitable image for your intended application, you will need to create and publish your own custom image for Noppe. Image can be created on your own computer or for example cPouta instance.
- A computer to create the Docker image, it should have Docker installed. In general Linux/Mac computer is recommended. In Windows likely admin rights are needed and using Docker might be challenging.
- A place to upload the Docker image, for example DockerHub or
Steps to create your own custom Docker image:
Create a Dockerfile
Dockerfile contains a set of instructions to build a docker image. If unfamiliar with Dockerfile, see for example Docker 101 and Dockerfile reference.
Jupyter notebook example
For JupyterLab with some conda packages use the following as minimal example:
# use jupyter minimal notebook as base for your image
# it has eg conda already installed
FROM jupyter/minimal-notebook
#some first setup steps need to be run as root user
USER root
# set home environment variable to point to user directory
# install needed extra tools, eg ssh-client and less
RUN apt-get update \
&& apt-get install -y ssh-client less \
&& apt-get clean
# the user set here will be the user that students will use
### Installing the needed conda packages and jupyter lab extensions.
# Run conda clean afterwards in same layer to keep image size lower
RUN conda install --yes -c conda-forge <your-packages-here> \
&& conda clean -afy
For other package management systems, adjust the last RUN
command accordingly. Make sure the package management system is available in jupyter/minimal-notebook
base image or install it yourself (same way as ssh-client and less are installed in above example).
RStudio example
To build custom R images, you do not need to start from scratch. Many pre-built R images are already available in docker registries. Especially, the rocker project contains a large set of images with various configurations provided in DockerHub. You can therefore start with one of these pre-existing images.
For adding packages or configurations you can use scripts provided by Rocker on their github page, edit them or write your own from scratch and copy them into the docker file system. These scripts usually contain system dependencies and required packages for your needs.
For RStudio with some packages, use the following Dockerfile as minimum example:
# Use Rocker RStudio as base for your image
FROM rocker/rstudio
# copy the desired installation script into docker file system, make sure that you have execute rights to the script
COPY /rocker_scripts/
# install the custom packages and system dependencies by running the script
RUN /rocker_scripts/
Below a few useful commands to install R packages from the command line or script, which can be used to write your own install script or edit the scripts provided by rocker:
# install a package with install2.r script
install2.r --error --deps TRUE packagename
# Install R packages from CRAN
R -e "install.packages('packagename', repos='')"
# Install R packages from Github using package managers like devtools and BiocManager.
R --no-restore --no-save -e 'packagemanager::install_github("packagename",dependencies=TRUE)'
# Install R packages while specifying a specific version
R --no-restore --no-save -e 'packagemanager::install_version("packagename", version="version")'
# Script execution
R -e "source('/path/of/myscript.R')"
Build the image and test it
- Build the image from dockerfile to current directory
Note that with Mac, or on any ARM host, you need to tell docker to build x64 images so that they are compatible with our cloud hosts. This can be done using "docker buildx".
Note also that with Mac you might need to disable Rosetta.
Another alternative is to build the image on an x64 VM, for example on
- Test your image.
-p 8888:8787
means bind Docker port 8787 to host port 8888.- If using cPouta, you need to open the host port also from Security groups.
- Open Jupyter/RStudio with web-browser:
Upload and link the image to your application
For the docker image to be used in your application. You need to host it somewhere, e.g. DockerHub or Rahti registry.
Once you have it hosted somewhere, provide the link to your image in the application : Edit application
> Container image
Adding Python packages to an existing workspace
You can add pip packages to existing Python applications without building a new image by installing them to your
or shared
folders. The process is slightly tedious, because by principle Docker images are designed to be
immutable, and building a new image with the needed installations is preferred.
The following steps are for my-work
installation. Note that my-work
is user specific and not shared with your course
participants. If your course participants need to access the installed packages, use the shared
folder, to which only
the workspace owner has write permissions.
- Open Terminal in JupyterLab.
- Create a new folder for installation files in my-work.
- Set
to direct to the new folder. - Add the new packages with pip.
mkdir -p /home/jovyan/my-work/<your_subdir>
export PYTHONUSERBASE=/home/jovyan/my-work/<your_subdir>
pip install --user the_new_package_name
Finally, exit and delete the existing session and open application settings under "Edit application".
Add PYTHONUSERBASE=/home/jovyan/my-work/<your_subdir>
to Environment variables. Use the name of the folder you
created earlier. After this, new application sessions will have the installed packages available.
Adding R packages to an existing RStudio application
You can add R packages to existing RStudio applications without building a new image by installing them to your
or shared
folders. The process is slightly tedious, because by principle Docker images are designed to be
immutable, and building a new image with the needed installations is preferred.
The process is as follows (detailed instructions below):
- Open terminal in RStudio
- Create a new folder for installation files in
- Set the environment variable
to point to your newly created folder in application settings - Install the package to the newly created folder in
Installation process in detail
The following steps are for my-work
installation. Note that my-work
is user specific and not shared with your course
participants. If your course participants need to access the installed packages, use the shared
folder, to which only
the workspace owner has write permissions.
Start a session for your RStudio application, open the terminal and create a new folder for the installations (here
named R-packages
, but you can use a different name):
Next, exit and delete the session. Open Edit application
and set the following to "Environment variables":
If you used a different name for your folder, remember to change it.
Open a new session for the application. The path set in the environment variable should be visible in .libPaths()
> .libPaths()
[1] "/usr/local/lib/R/site-library" "/usr/local/lib/R/library" "/home/rstudio/my-work/R-packages"
Now you can install packages to the new folder, e.g.:
The installed packages are available in all new sessions.
Security guidelines for Workspace owners
- Noppe is not audited for sensitive data.
- Share join code only with users you wish to join your workspace.
- If you are creating custom images for your course, do not store any keys or sensitive data in the image.
- Delete the workspace as soon as the course is over.