Using Python on CSC supercomputers
Some important aspects of working with the Python programming language are notably different on CSC supercomputers compared to usage on a personal device or in other HPC environments. To make the most of the computational resources available to you, it is helpful to be aware of the differences.
See the Python application page for general information on the Python language and pre-installed Python environments on CSC supercomputers.
Creating and managing Python environments
See also our FAQ section with common questions related to Python environments on supercomputers.
Installing Python packages to existing modules
If there is a CSC-provided module that covers almost everything you need, but it is missing a few Python packages, you can try installing those yourself with the pip package manager.
See the package lists on our Python application page to find out which packages are installed in existing modules. If you think that some important package should be included by default in a module provided by CSC, do not hesitate to contact our Service Desk.
The recommended way to add packages on top of an existing environment is to use venv, which is a standard Python module for creating a lightweight "virtual environment". You can have multiple virtual environments, for example one for each project.
For example to install a package called whatshap
on top of the
CSC-provided python-data module:
cd /projappl/<your_project> # change this to the appropriate path for your project
module load python-data
python3 -m venv --system-site-packages <venv_name>
source <venv_name>/bin/activate
pip install whatshap
Unlike for example Tykky, venv
creates a new directory for the
environment, so there is no need for you to create one beforehand.
Do not forget to use the --system-site-packages
flag when creating
the virtual environment, otherwise the environment will not find the
pre-installed packages from the base module (for example numpy
Later when you wish to use the virtual environment you only need to load the module and activate the environment:
Likewise, when using the virtual environment, make sure to actually have the base module loaded. Naturally, this also applies to Slurm job scripts.
Problems with virtual environments
In some specific cases CSC modules may not work properly with Python virtual environments. Try first to run export CW_FORCE_CONDA_ACTIVATE=1
before activating the venv. If that does not help, try to use the pip install --user
approach described on
the other tab.
Another approach to installing additional packages is to do a "user
installation" with the command pip install --user
. This approach is
easy to use in principle, as it doesn't require setting up a
virtual environment. However, package-provided commands may not
work out-of-the-box (see the Info box at the end of this section).
Packages are by default installed to your home
directory under .local/lib/pythonx.y/site-packages
(where x.y
the version of Python being used). Please note that if you install a lot of
packages, your home directory can easily run out of space.
This can be avoided by changing the installation folder to make
a project-wide installation instead of a personal one. This is
done by setting the PYTHONUSERBASE
environment variable to
refer to the new installation directory.
For example, to add the package whatshap
on top of the python-data
module load python-data
export PYTHONUSERBASE=/projappl/<your_project>/my-python-env
pip install --user whatshap
In the above example, the package is now installed inside the
directory in the project's projappl
directory. Run
if you wish to install packages into your home
directory again.
When using the libraries later, you need to define PYTHONUSERBASE
again. Naturally, this also applies to Slurm job scripts. For example:
Packages containing executable files
Most of our Python modules are implemented as containers. If a package you install also contains executable files, they may not work out of the box, since the executable may look for the Python interpreter using a path that is internal to the container. You might see an error message like this:
whatshap: /CSC_CONTAINER/miniconda/envs/env1/bin/python3.9: bad interpreter: No such file or directory
You can fix this by editing the first line of the executable
(which in our example is located using which whatshap
) to point
to the real Python interpreter (can be found with which python3
In our example we would edit the file ~/.local/bin/whatshap
to have the following as its first line:
Creating your own Python environments
It is also possible to create your own Python environments.
Pip is a good choice for managing Python environments that do not rely on complex dependency relationships.
The easiest way to create a custom pip environment is by using the
module discussed in the previous section, which actually shows precisely how to do this. If you do not wish to use packages from one of the existing modules, simply do not include the
flag when creating the virtual environment. -
Another option is to create a pip environment inside a container. The most straightforward way to do so is by using the Tykky container wrapper. To find out how to easily containerize your environment, see the Tykky instructions for pip-based installations.
An alternative to using Tykky is creating a pip environment inside a custom Apptainer container. This is a practical choice if, for example, you know of a suitable ready-made Apptainer or Docker container. For more information about using Apptainer containers, please see the related documentation:
- Running Apptainer containers
- Creating Apptainer containers, including how to convert Docker containers to Apptainer containers.
Conda is easy to use and flexible, but it usually creates a huge number of files which is incompatible with shared file systems. The excess of files can cause very slow library imports and, in the worst case, slows down the whole file system. Because of this, CSC has deprecated the use of conda for direct installations on supercomputers. However, you can still create and use containerized conda environments.
The most straightforward way to create a containerized conda environment is by using the Tykky container wrapper. To find out how to easily containerize your environment, see the Tykky instructions for conda-based installations.
An alternative to using Tykky is creating a conda environment inside a custom Apptainer container. This is a practical choice if, for example, you know of a suitable ready-made Apptainer or Docker container. For more information about using Apptainer containers, please see the related documentation:
- Running Apptainer containers
- Creating Apptainer containers, including how to convert Docker containers to Apptainer containers.
Python development environments
Python scripts can be edited directly on a CSC supercomputer using a
console-based text editor
like vim
or emacs
. In addition to these terminal-based editors,
several graphical programming environments,
such as Jupyter notebooks, Visual Studio Code and Spyder,
can be used on a supercomputer through
our web interface.
In addition to editing code directly on a supercomputer, it is also possible to develop code remotely using some locally installable editors like Visual Studio Code. Please note, however, that this way of connecting to CSC supercomputers is prone to issues and thus not fully supported.
Finally, one can of course edit code on a local device
and copy it to a supercomputer with command-line tools like
or by using
graphical file transfer tools.
Jupyter notebooks provide an interactive programming environment where one can write and run Python code in individual cells. The notebooks combine code, equations, visualizations and narrative text in a single document.
The Jupyter interactive application
on our web interface allows using Jupyter on CSC supercomputers.
Many of our Python environments, including
, geoconda
as well as deep learning modules like pytorch
include the main Jupyter packages, so they can be used in the application.
The documentation page for the application includes a
list of supported environments.
Visual Studio Code
Visual Studio Code (VSCode) is a widely-used source code editor developed by Microsoft. Unlike the other two development environments introduced here, it does not rely on any Python packages, so it can be used by default with all CSC- and custom-made Python environments.
There are two ways to run VSCode on CSC supercomputers:
Using custom environments in VSCode
Since only CSC modules are offered in the VSCode session launch form, using custom Python environments with built-in VSCode functions like debugging requires changing the path of the Python interpreter after the session has launched. This can be done by clicking on the Python version information displayed in the lower right corner of the VSCode window.
Spyder is a scientific Python development environment. The python-data and geoconda modules have Spyder included. The best option for using it is through the Puhti web interface remote desktop.
Python parallel jobs
There are several Python libraries for parallel computing. Below are a few suggestions:
- multiprocessing – process-based parallelism
- joblib – running Python functions as pipeline jobs
- dask – general purpose parallel programming solution
- mpi4py – MPI bindings for Python
The multiprocessing
package is likely the easiest to use. Being part of the
Python standard library, it is included in all Python installations by default.
provides some more flexibility in comparison. These two packages are suitable for
single-node parallelization (max. 40 cores).
is the most versatile of the bunch and has several options for
parallelization. Please see the CSC Dask tutorial for
examples of both single-node (max. 40 cores) and multi-node parallelization.
In addition, there are examples of
using different parallelization options on Puhti
on our CSC Training GitHub organization. Of the above four packages, examples are
provided for multiprocessing
, joblib
and dask
The mpi4py
package is included in our PyTorch environment.
It is generally the most efficient option for multinode jobs with non-trivial parallelization.
For a short tutorial on mpi4py
, along with other approaches for improving the
performance of Python programs, please see the free
Python in High Performance Computing
online course.