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Mahti has expanded its capabilities with a new small partition with core-based allocation and fast local NVMe storage! Click here for details.


Quantum computers differ from their classical counterparts when it comes to the basic computational operators. Before QPUs can be utilized, they require tailor-made programs and algorithms. The Finnish Quantum-Computing Infrastructure FiQCI provides access to quantum computing resources through CSC's service portals.


5 Qubit Quantum Computer

Helmi, the first Finnish quantum computer, is co-developed by VTT and IQM Quantum Computers. Presently, Helmi provides 5 qubits. With Helmi, users can run quantum programs and algorithms on a real, physical device.

Access to Helmi is provided through the LUMI supecomputer environment. Users will need to apply for a quantum computing project on LUMI, which gives access to Helmi through the LUMI job scheduler (SLURM). Applying for a project is done through MyCSC.

For further reading:


The Quantum Learning Machine

Kvasi is an advanced quantum computer simulator/emulator. With Kvasi, the user can explore and develop algorithms for quantum computers. Read here detailed instructions on how to access

Kvasi provides an ecosystem for developing and simulating quantum algorithms in both ideal and realistic, noisy conditions. With Kvasi, you can optimize your algorithm for a specific hardware (QPU), with specific qubit connectivity and basic gate operations.

The algorithms can be developed either at a level close to the hardware, using the Atos Quantum Assembler (AQASM) language, or using a higher level, Python based language and ready-made libraries. The QLM comes with several ready-made examples. You can also download and run locally myQLM - a light-weight version of the QLM ecosystem.