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Simcenter STAR-CCM+ is a commercial Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) based simulation software developed by Siemens Digital Industries Software. Simcenter STAR-CCM+ allows the modeling and analysis of a range of engineering problems involving fluid flow, heat transfer, stress, particulate flow, electromagnetics and related phenomena. Formerly known as STAR-CCM+, the software was first developed by CD-adapco and was acquired by Siemens Digital Industries Software as part of the purchase of CD-adapco in 2016. It is now a part of the Simcenter Portfolio of software tools (Wikipedia).


CSC - IT Center for Science has no own Star-CCM+ licenses available for customer use on CSC's computing platforms. Instead, user may purchase for her or his own use a Power-On-Demand (PoD) license to be used on the servers, for more information, see this web page.


Several versions of Star-CCM+ are available on Puhti, Mahti and LUMI servers. Use command

module spider starccm+

on the server to check the installed versions. The double precision version will have the -R8 suffix on the end of the module version number.

On LUMI, you need to first load the module environment, and then give module spider command

module use /appl/local/csc/modulefiles
module spider starccm+


There is a batch job script example available on the Puhti and Mahti servers in:


On LUMI, the example batch job file is available here:


Copy the file and modify it for your own use. Further instructions are given in the file and the documentations of the platforms.


In a problem situation, please contact CSC Service Desk.

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