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Mahti has expanded its capabilities with a new small partition with core-based allocation and fast local NVMe storage! Click here for details.


ANSYS offers a comprehensive software suite that spans the entire range of physics, providing access to virtually any field of engineering simulation that a design process requires (ANSYS - Products). ANSYS Academic engineering simulation software (hereinafter AAESS) is used by thousands of universities globally for undergraduate students to learn physics principles, for researchers to solve complex engineering problems and for postgraduate students to produce data for their master’s theses or doctoral dissertations (ANSYS - Academic).


AAESS products are proprietary software. CSC - IT Center for Science Ltd. has these licenses available on CSC's server platforms. The licenses are only for academic use. See about use limitations from link given below (Ansys Academic - Terms and Conditions), and there, LICENSING AND TERM OF USE.

ANSYS products can be used also commercially on all CSC's platforms mentioned below. This is possible by using a "pay-per-use" licensing system called Ansys Elastic Currency (AEC). Usage of AEC licensing method on CSC's platforms always requires a private installation of ANSYS products by the user, and therefore does not follow the usage instructions given below. If you want to use AEC licensing, please send an inquiry to CSC Service Desk.


CSC's AAESS product licenses are available on CSC's computing platforms Puhti, Mahti and LUMI for analysis runs only. Additionally, on Mahti and LUMI, only CFD modules (Fluent and CFX) are available. Latest AAESS products will be available on the servers, and installation of earlier versions is also possible. All installed versions are maintained on the servers.


After login on the server, make sure that you have transferred all your input files for the analysis run from your local computer to the server. Locate the files in your project's scratch directory. Home directory is not intended for computing.

To find out which versions of ANSYS are installed on the server, give command

module spider ansys

On LUMI, you need to first load the module environment

module use /appl/local/csc/modulefiles
module spider ansys

For example to load Ansys version 2023R2, give command

module load ansys/2023R2

There are examples of batch job files available on the servers. On Mahti and LUMI, only for CFD computations:

  • Ansys CFX: /appl/soft/eng/ansys_inc/example_batch_job_files/parjob_cfx
  • Ansys Fluent: /appl/soft/eng/ansys_inc/example_batch_job_files/parjob_fluent
  • Ansys Fluent (LUMI): /pfs/lustrep3/appl/local/csc/soft/eng/ansys_inc/example_batch_job_files/parjob_fluent
  • Ansys Structural: /appl/soft/eng/ansys_inc/example_batch_job_files/parjob_struct (only on Puhti)

Copy those files and modify them for your own use. Further instructions are given in the files.

Ansys Fluent input files for the example batch job are in the folder (Mahti and Puhti):


and on LUMI


Notice. Ansys Structural modules are available only on Puhti server.


If you encounter issues, please contact CSC Service Desk.

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