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How to get Allas S3 credentials

It is possible to use the openstack API to get Allas S3 credentials (AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY). Each credential pair is linked to a single OpenStack project.

  1. Install OpenStack command line tools

  2. Login into OpenStack by following the Configure your terminal environment for OpenStack article.

  3. You can either retrieve already created credentials or create new ones

    1. In order to retrieve already created credentials:

      openstack ec2 credentials list

      It will list the credentials of every project, and you will see only the "Project ID" next to each credential pair. You can use openstack project list in order to see all the projects you have access, it will list the name and the id of each of them.

    2. Create new credentials:

      openstack ec2 credentials create