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WhiteboxTools is an advanced geospatial data analysis platform which includes more than 450 tools. Many tools operate in parallel, taking full advantage of your multi-core processor.


Only WhiteboxTools Open Core tools are available on Puhti. WhiteboxTools is available with following versions:

  • 2.3.5 in 3.11.9 geoconda module
  • 2.2.0 in 3.10.x geoconda modules
  • 2.1.0 in the WhiteboxTools module


Load a module, select module based on version:

module load geoconda

Or module load whiteboxtools if you want to use the older version.

To check whiteboxtools version

whitebox_tools --version

Here is an example of calculating Hillshade for a 10m DEM.

whitebox_tools -r=Hillshade -v -i=/appl/data/geo/mml/dem10m/2019/M3/M34/M3444.tif -o=test_hillshade.tif --azimuth=315.0 --altitude=30.0


Whiteboxtools seem to have problems with Finnish NLS lidar files.

Example batch job script

#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=1
#SBATCH --partition=small
#SBATCH --time=00:10:00
#SBATCH --mem=2G

module load whiteboxtools
whitebox_tools -r=Hillshade -v -i=/appl/data/geo/mml/dem10m/2019/M3/M34/M3444.tif -o=test_hillshade.tif --azimuth=315.0 --altitude=30.0


The WhiteboxTools open-core platform is distributed under the MIT license. The full WhiteboxTools license


Lindsay, J.B. (2014) The Whitebox Geospatial Analysis Tools project and open-access GIS, Proceedings of the GIS Research UK 22nd Annual Conference, The University of Glasgow, 16-18 April, DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.1010.8962.


Please acknowledge CSC and Geoportti in your publications, it is important for project continuation and funding reports. As an example, you can write "The authors wish to thank CSC - IT Center for Science, Finland (urn:nbn:fi:research-infras-2016072531) and the Open Geospatial Information Infrastructure for Research (Geoportti, urn:nbn:fi:research-infras-2016072513) for computational resources and support".


Whiteboxtools are part of Geoconda installation.
